What is a Stellate Ganglion Block?

woman getting an injection
woman getting an injection

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. How does SGB help PTSD symptoms? The Stellate Ganglion is part of the cervical sympathetic chain, a key part of the sympathetic nervous system, which is the “fight or flight” nervous system. In PTSD and some other anxiety conditions, the “fight or flight” nervous system gets stuck in the “ON” position. […]

GLP-1 Medication for Weight Loss

semaglutide for weight loss
semaglutide for weight loss

Semaglutide for Weight Loss It seems like everyone is talking about medications called GLP-1 for weight loss. Recently they have been shown as a promising option for sustained weight loss especially for those who have struggled with long term obesity, familial obesity and other conditions that have prevented them from losing weight. Originally these drugs […]