
person walking across bridge

What are

Peptides put prevention first and treat chronic pain and disease up stream, unlike traditional approaches that respond to an already present painful or dysfunctional process.

They are amino acid sequences that are signaling agents your body is familiar with that allow our cells to talk to each other. Peptides mimic our natural signaling agents, which means very few side effects and tolerance compared to many drug therapies. They produce a physiologic response the body is used to, not a supraphysiologic response seen with drugs that carry side effects related to the excessive, supraphysiologic response. Peptides allow our cells to function as they were designed to prior to the effects of negative stressors (various disease states, poor diet, age etc).


Why are they
so well tolerated

They are natural signaling agents the body is familiar with!

Why use peptides to optimize function:

  1. Peptides support the immune system to fight off the proinflammatory state.
  2. Optimize mitochondrial function and cellular efficiency… naturally signal the cells to do what they were designed to do efficiently and keep inflammation under control.
    (See if our weight loss peptides can help you)

In a nutshell, disease and imbalance starts at the cellular level, and the goal with peptide therapy is to improve how the cell functions. Peptide therapy is rooted in a deep understanding of cellular medicine, and looking at the root of body functions that affect your life.

Why choose
Treasure Valley Pain Center?

A SSRP educated provider!

  1. SSRP’s approach to regenerative medicine teaches providers to look at disease differently, focusing on disease reversal and prevention through lifestyle, genetic and biochemical factors to impact each patient at the cellular level. By understanding each person’s unique complexity at the cellular level, we effectively improve patient outcomes not just treat symptoms.
  2. Unique protocols based in cellular medicine are essential for safe and effective therapies that minimize adverse events…Basic protocol errors will hurt your chances for the best outcomes if you aren’t selective about your regenerative provider.
  3. Proper training is ESSENTIAL to avoid common errors that would waste time, money and hope. Specific combinations of medication, supplementation and lifestyle factors optimize function and quality of life…knowledge obtained through a thorough understanding of functional, root-cause based interventions.

Woman walking a dirt road

Growth Hormone Peptides- The Master Hormone

What we need to know about our master hormone, Growth Hormone, and how to restore it’s benefits

  1. Widespread GH receptors mean widespread influence: significantly improves cognitive functioning, decreases fat tissue, increases muscle protein synthesis (reduced sarcopenia), decreases insulin resistance, increased bone density and many other metabolic benefits that result from improved mitochondrial function.
  2. Aging and many disease states cause decreased natural GH production, which in turn leads to more degenerative, metabolic disorders and a proinflammatory state.
  3. While GH is important, taking exogenous GH has many harmful effects and actually worsens mitochondrial function, cell senescence and numerous other effected related to a proinflammatory state due to much higher than physiologically normal amounts of GH
  4. The Solution: Peptides that naturally mimic your own signals to produce and release GH naturally: growth-hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) & growth-hormone releasing peptides (GHRP). Benefits of GH peptides include (among many others):
    1. Optimize fat cell oxidation (you get leaner) while building muscle tissue
    2. Optimize cellular metabolism (oxidative phosphorylation)…Improved mitochondrial function
    3. Restore insulin receptor signaling and act with GLP-1
    4. Improved cognitive function
    5. Reduce glial inflammation (reduced neuroinflammation…important with chronic pain!!)
    6. Improved immune function & decreased inflammation
    7. Improved deep and REM sleep
    8. No negative affect on your natural hormone production since you are using your own body’s signals to increase and release your own GH.


HGH vs. Peptides

Peptides offer the same benefits as HGH without the risks

HGH (ex. Somatotropin) GHRH/GHRP Peptides
Effect on HGH levels Promotes unnatural HGH levels

Can shut down natural HGH production

Promotes natural release of HGH

Promotes natural HGH production

Effect on pituitary gland Can negatively impact function Supports pituitary function and health
Safety HGH levels drop when therapy stopped

High overdose risk

Risk of tachyphylaxis (stops working as well)

Range of side effects including cancer

HGH production continues

Low risk of overdose

No risk of tachyphylaxis

May use for much longer period of time

Minimal side effects

Accessibility Controlled substance, hard to access legally Easily available legally via prescription
Cost Higher cost ($1,000+ per month) Lower cost ($200+/month)
Benefits All the benefits of healthy HGH levels Same benefits as HGH w/o the risks

*GHRH/GHRP signal the physiologic release of endogenous GH (your own GH)

Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin- $180/month for 6 months We strongly recommend use for 4-6 months to realize the full benefit of these amazing peptides.

Woman running stairs

Cellular Repair: BPC 157/TB4/MGF/KPV

Body Protection Compound 157 (BPC 157)- Perfectly paired peptides may benefit injured nerves, tendons and other tissues through improved healing and repair:

  1. Accelerates wound healing, including burns
  2. Healing of injuries to muscle, ligament, tendon & bone, combat/repair leaky gut
  3. Protects against ulcers in the stomach, improves GI mucosal integrity, decreased gastric effects of NSAIDS or alcohol.
  4. Neuroprotective: improves nerve regeneration, decreases neuroinflammation, may help with depression, reduces alcohol W/D symptoms
    1. Modulate serotonergic & dopaminergic systems, offers neuro protective effects and can work well with patients suffering from TBI.
  5. Cardioprotective: May help regulate BP, rapidly and permanently counteracts QT prolongation from neuroleptics (Haldol, reglan, etc)
  6. Locally, BPC has been shown to have a significant impact on healing soft tissue injuries Systemically, BPC has been shown to protect organs, aid in the prevention of ulcers, and combat leaky gut, IBS, GI cramps, and Crohn’s Disease.
  7. TBfrag4 (TB500) is part of the actin monomer-sequestering proteins, and it plays a major role in tissue repair. TB500 is one of the first genes to be upregulated after injury, and is often prescribed for acute injury, surgical repair, and athletes – however, it has recently gained traction for hair regrowth in combination with PRP and/or allogeneic stem cell-based sources.
  8. MGF (aka IGF-1EC) is a split variant or isoform of IGF-1, but has more specific action relating to initiation of muscle hypertrophy and repair of local muscle damage. Mechanically overloaded muscles express MGF, which ultimately activates muscle satellite stem cells that donate nuclei to the muscle fibers that are required for the repair of micro tears sustained from mechanical overload. MGF is essential for tissue repair.

Our pricing: BPC 10mg vial- $180 per month, 2-3 months recommended
Combination BPC/TB4/MGF/KPV $395/month for 2 months. We recommend 2 months of therapy with rest of the injury.

Fat Break-Down AOD 9604

  1. May be used as an alternative to GLP-! Or to supplement GLP-! therapy
  2. AOD 9604 is a fragment of GH, and more effective than GH at regulating fat metabolism by stimulating lipolysis (breakdown and destruction of fat) and inhibiting lipogenesis (transforming food into fat).
  3. None of the side effects of GH while retaining some of the regenerative properties of GH

Our pricing: $180/mo for 6 months of medication, $220/month for 3 months of medication

Treasure Valley Pain Center’s knowledgeable application of comprehensive principles puts preventions first and treats present disease upstream, providing long-term whole-person wellness.